
Blog Entries - about the blog

Garden pathway

Thanks For Noticing!

October 11, 2007  |  about the blog

Wow! We are thrilled about how many of you have visited our new website and left comments on our various topics! It seems that a lot of us are having challenges gardening in the shade-good to know. Look for more

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girl in garden on laptop

Welcome To Our Blog

October 10, 2007  |  about the blog

Welcome to our blog! This part of our new website design is probably the most exciting. A "blog" allows us to bring you frequent news items about gardening, links to great websites and stories, and (the most fun), a way

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Knollwood gift card image

Are You A Winner? 2007

September 24, 2007  |  about the blog

  Update: 10/8/2007 The contest is completed: Congratulations to Robin and Rand! Your comments were randomly selected to receive the $50 gift cards...just print out the email you receive and bring it in to claim your

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